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Cradle to cradle,

Herzliya Museum, September 2016                                                                  

The work “Cradle to cradle” presented at the exhibition:” The Recipients: Ministry of Culture and Sport Awards in Art and Design, 2015 Herzliya Museum of contemporary art. 

The sofa symmetric design can be used by one or two people, its bath shape suggesting that reclining posture would be the best way to use it. The design is based on a minimal metal frame, woven rubber straps and it is upholstered with leather.


Curator Tali Ben Nun:   

The designer Neil Nenner offers a fresh look at our taken-for-granted relationships with our domestic furniture. His design of the couch on view here is based on his research into the development of the couch as influenced by changes in viewing habits related to developments in TV technology. He reached the conclusion that as TV screens have grown larger so has the couch increased in size and gotten softer, turning more similar to a bed. The proliferation of personal screens has resulted in another important change in the way we communicate with our environment, and has resulted in each family member sitting in the living room with their own screen. Consequently, Nenner has developed a model of a personal couch, whose form and usage recall a bathtub. It is a concrete design proposal that holds a critical mirror to all these changes.

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