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Non contagious exhibition, Bait Hansen, Jerusalem, June 2016.

The work: “Untitled –temporary name” was made by Hagit Hazan, Avihai Mizrahi and Neil Nenner.


The Hansen House, was established in 1887 as a leper asylum by the Protestant community of Jerusalem.

In 1950 the site was purchased and served as a leprosy treatment center through to 2000. In 2009, the Israeli government decided to hand over the building to the municipality of Jerusalem city, for the purpose of converting it into an interdisciplinary cultural center.

Non contagious exhibition asks what feelings this place raise, while looking around the visitor feel both Aversion, attraction and compassion.

Untitled –temporary name, use a simple technique of coloring fabric, placed as a simulator for the spread of material, and a means for examining issues such as time, inner movement and design processes. Controlling the final outcome limited to “writing an algorithm ".

The fact that the objects are changing along the exhibition represents our sense of mortality, aging, infection or spread of disease.


​©  Neil Nenner Design 2013     +972 (0)52 6671220

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